25 December 2018

The advantages of eating fruits to children

Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins, minerals and fibre. Kids should be encouraged to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables – there is a rainbow of colours to choose from – which provides a rich source of antioxidants, instead of sugary snacks and fast food, which are high in fat and sugar. The vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables provide the following benefits:
- Promote good health and protect against disease, both now and in the future.
- To ensure the child’s healthy growth and development.
- Strengthen a child’s immune system and help fight illnesses. There is strong evidence to      show that the nutrients found in fruits and vegetables can prevent chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases.
- The high-fibre content can aid in the proper function of the digestive system and prevent constipation

 Written by : Aneesa binti Azmi

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